Di. Mi. Do., jeweils 17 - 20 h sowie nach Absprache
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welcome at my webspace!

Welcome to this exciting time right at the transition to the New Age!
Here you can see my contribution to it.


A simpler form of counselling in addition to individual sessions more

Journey to USA to support the lightfield there und the politics - now see the paintings more

A Circle of my energy paintings in my gallery for this urgend times of now. Make use of it. see above

A Circle of my energy paintings in my gallery for this urgend times of now. Make use of it.
USA trip to support our common fields with energy paintings on USA topics

last update 11. Dez. 2024

Gallery & Atelier Energetic Paintaings

Friederike Schottmayer

86972 Altenstadt, Raiffeisenstr. 11

Just come by and experience the beauty of my pictures, the healing joy and power that can be released inside your innermost core, the inner peace that can occur you when you get involved in the depth of the pictures


Galerie & Atelier Energetische Bilder

Energetic paintings emerge from the silence of the center of the heart, the power of not knowing.

The issues of the your chosen picture brings out from all possibilities the essentials for you.
The silence of the heart center is connected to everything – all possibilities, all solutions.

To perceive the energy of the picture, turn your gaze around: do not look at the picture, but let the picture look at you.
If an image appeals to you – attraction or rejection – the theme seems to be linked to your current situation.

Through the healing silence the painting can send impulses, impulses that go far beyond your usual and unexpectedly end up where the solution to a question or a conflict lies,

or the impulse for the next step in your life.

Everything always happens only as far as you allow it.

I supply you with:

Bilder & Poster

Paintings & Posters

Bilder & Poster

Card Sets

CDs Seelensprache

CDs in Soulspeach

